Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 1

OK So this week (week 1) has been amazing for all the right reasons. I have made the change and have taken on the challange...And thats to improve my self overall...The Mother and Wife that I'm currently isn't whom I want to be. I'm really missing out on living my life. So I decided to make a better life for both myself and my family and I tell you I'm NOT looking back.
Today was weigh in and I can't believe that I have lost 2.9kg's in one week (that's a total of 4.3kgs so far)....Amazing but let me tell you it wasn't without a lot of sweat and change from me.....I completed all 8 preseason tasks which I believe is really the key to me being so focused and ready to improve...I think that is what sets this program apart from any other weight lose programs I have done before
and let me tell you there have been many. The preseason task help me to get my brain and body in the right place.

 I always seem to find myself making every excuse under the sun not to work out or go for a walk. But now NO more excuses.
I deserve to make me the best I can be!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


OK So far so good. This week has been all about being organised. I don't think any eating program would work with out it. I can't stress it enough for me that ORGANISATION IS KEY to your success....

So every Sunday morning I will be spending about 1 hour going through the work out program, eating plan and shopping list to make sure that I'm ready for the week ahead. I'm using my diary to record what DVD's and stretches I need to do each day (since the photo I have also been recording the Cal's I burn -so far so good) I'm  using a food planner (that I got from kikki-k) it's great cause it's magnetic and is up on the fridge for me to see each day before I go to the fridge and think of being naughty!I have also gotten myself a folder to place all my printed out recipes in and it's been very handy and it's filling up very fast.

I'm also a little scared of this up coming weekend as my husband is going away on an boyz weekend so I will be left to defend for my own with Harrison... SO I'm thinking as long as the weekend is filled with activities and packed lunches I should be fine ...but stay tuned ????

Friday, September 16, 2011

Blogging Challenge - Week 1

Well this is it I'm sticking to something that will hopefully change my way of life and what it means to be a good mother and wife.
 I'm doing the Michelle Bridges 12 wk Challenge.

I have also signed up to the Blogging Challenge from the lovely hard work of Shrinking Kath (see her amazing blog here: Then everyone up for the challenge blogs away, and we can all read each other's responses.

1. Describe yourself in 25 words or less. You can get straight to the point - or bring your creativity into play.
Well I'm a Mummy to a wonderful little 3yr old and a Wife to a loving husband. I love to craft sew and have a little home business called Gifts Created. And I'm 100% focused and making my life better! 

2. What brings you to 12wbt? Getting fitter? Losing weight? (Gaining weight??) Are you first timer, a repeat offender??
I am a 1st timer and looking forward to what this life style change will bring. I have decided to focus on myself for the rest of the year and get healthy.I have a lot of weight to lose and it's a little scary but I think it's best to look at the little goals then focus on the bigger picture.
3. Why do you blog??
I love to read everybody efforts and pitfalls along the way and would love to help inspire others to get healthy just as I'm trying to do. As long as your willing to listen to the complete Truth as I'm sure it's not going to be all smooth sailing.
4. Who is your biggest inspiration in life and why (doesn't have to be weight loss)
I have a lot of people in my life that inspire me for different reasons. But at the moment I would have to say a friend of mine for introducing me to the program and just seeing the change that it has brought to her life is enough to inspire any one!
5. What things in life bring you the most joy?
I would have to say spending time with family (all my family) Spending Days with my son, Cooking for my family, going for walks with my father, sitting on the couch with my husband at the end of the day. I'm a simple girl with so many joys around me.
Oh and Crafting, Designing and Crochet.
6.What do you think your greatest challenge is going to be this round?
Getting though the unexpected. My life isn't always as structured as I would like so I think also saying NO to some things will be hard but essential to my success.
7. What are you most excited about 12wbt?
Changing my fitness level and moving closer to the ability to run. I've always loved the idea of running and to think that next year I could be apart of a fun run would be amazing.
8. And what scares the pants off you?
The thought that yet again I would FAIL!

9. Tell me - right now - today - how do you feel about exercise in no more than 10 words
Possible and Excited! I want to move and inspire others to move!
10. Complete this sentence - in 12 weeks time - on the last day of 12wbt I am going to be feeling
Proud and respectful of my body and excited to have reached my goals!